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Projects Line

Endelevu SolarSmart Schools 

Endelevu EcoSmart Solar Village 

Agrosolar R&D And  Cultivation 

Integrated Aquaculture & Agriculture 

Sustainable Sports Centres 

Solar Stadium Lighting 

Agrovoltaic Organic Cotton 

Clean Water, Powered by the Sun 

Solar Family Clinics (mobile & stationary) 

Sustainable e-Ambulance Fleet 

Solar Powered Fencing for Forests 

30 MWp Solar PV+Battery Storage 

Youth Centres for life skills 

EcoDorm, Sustainable Student Housing 

Solar Powered Irrigation Systems 

Virtual Power Plant Technology 

Healthcare workers affordable housing 

School orchards 

Factory for Low Impact Housing 

Bamboo Agro-Farming 

Sustainable Refugee Camps 

40 MWAC Solar Utility PV 

Conference centres for Heritage, support local economy and sustainability Centres 

Sustainable development of communities that host refugees